Hi there, I'm Kahlil

A multidisciplinary designer specializing in product design.

For as long as I could remember, I have always been a creative problem solver, growing up in the east side of San Antonio I wasn’t exposed to the many different career opportunities. It wasn’t until I attended CAST Tech High School, as a part of their inaugural class where I was introduced to the many different career pathways and started to find my footing in User Experience at only 15 years old. Once I turned 16, I started interning and learning more and more about design.


I am a huge advocate for design and UX/UI for all ages. I currently serve as the Design Student ambassador for the college of fine arts and on the board of the non-profit, K-12UX, where we advocate for spreading UX through the education system.

I am currently a junior at UT. I am still the Design Student Ambassador, but I have taken on a new role as a UX Specialist for UT's Center for teaching and learning.

My Time at UT Austin

As my second semester at UT began, I was offered the position of UT Design Ambassador for the College of Fine Arts. Later I would become a project manager, and manage 6 high school interns for BEE Project.

Graduation Year

Upon graduation, I joined BEE Project's inaugural internship program as a BEE intern, where i would work alongside 3 other CAST Tech Interns. Afterwards, I would start my journey at UT.

User Interface Role

As quarantine began, and my senior year started, I got my first UX/UI job for the non-profit Cybertexas Foundation, as an UX/UI Intern. I would continue to work for them until graduation.

First Internships

For my first internships, I decided to double intern, for Students of Service (SOS) and Jungledisk. Later, I would work for CAST Tech in the office of Partnerships


Attended CAST Tech in the Business and User Experience Pathway. I would be heavily involved in extracurricular clubs and projects

Alpha Phi Omega

I recently became a member of Alpha Phi Omega, a national co-ed service fraternity. The organization drew me in because of its emphasis on leadership, friendship, and service. I'm a big believer in helping those in need and making a difference in my community. Recently, I was elected an officer of spirit and merchandising.

Public Speaking and Advocation

"Great design will take you far; great communication will take you even further:--" as stated by Andrea Pachenco. Although I serve as a student ambassador, giving tours and communicating with prospective families, I also promote the value of UX and design thinking in the education system and speak at CAST Schools and events on my perspective.

Recreational Photography

I absolutely love taking photos, I strongly believe that the people and the world we live in are filled with countless moments and scenes that deserve to be captured and remembered. I also enjoy taking photos of my friends and I being silly or just hanging out. My long-term goal is to save enough money to purchase my own camera!



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