XVisit Article

Project Management Internship

UX Design


BEE Project


- Adobe Creative Cloud - Zoom - Miro - E-Guage - Canva

Team/ Role

- Angelina Gusman - Cameron Kreider - Travis Jorgensen - Yasu Chavez - Zack Maldonaldo


For the second annual BEE Project internship, I would rejoin them as project manager, leading and guiding a team of five high school interns. The interns created a marketing campaign and an interactive challenge in which studies interact with the E-gauge to promote energy ownership and education using ideation, market analysis, and knowledge of energy conservation methods.


As the project manager, I led a team of interns.

To successfully complete the project, the Bee Project needed an intern project manager to guide and mentor a team of high school interns. I was able to effectively lead the team in developing the marketing campaign and interactive challenge thanks to my experience as a designer, leader, and previous Bee intern.

We made a boring, professional product interesting

The previous year, we addressed human energy consumption and saved the school district 10% of their annual energy consumption. The E-Gauge is an energy monitoring tool that observes all electricity running through a particular building. This year, we simply wanted to publicize E-Gauge, a professional new tool that allows users to see their direct usage on their campus's energy grid through graphs

Reimagining energy conservation through marketing

Through the E-Gauge tool, the interns and I hoped to promote energy ownership. We hoped to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their energy consumption by demonstrating the benefits of real-time monitoring of energy usage. We developed a marketing campaign and an interactive experience that highlighted the E-Gauge tool's ability to provide users with valuable insights into their e

See The Casestudy.

Explore major milestones in my journey, as well as behind-the-scenes photos.
See Casestudy



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